Barnstable County Board Presents Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 |  Regional news

Barnstable County Board Presents Funds for Fiscal Yr 2022 | Regional information

The Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners tabled a budget for fiscal year 2022 of $ 20,058,391 during its regularly scheduled remote meeting on WednesdayFebruary 17th.

The budget for fiscal year 22 provides for funds from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Overall, the budget for fiscal 22 is a decrease of $ 1,229,400, or 6.13 percent, from a year earlier.

The budget decreased due to the passing of Act 5210 (Sheriff Retirement Liability) that removed the $ 1,702,310 cost from the county. However, all other budgets increased by a total of $ 472,910 in total. Starting in 2024, a retrospective payment will be made to the county for the prior payment of these liabilities for fiscal 25, creating another source of income for the county.

Personnel wages increased 2 percent for the cost of living and 3 percent for a pay grade. Health insurance also grew 6 percent, although the board believes it will only use 3 percent.

In addition, there were two increases related to retirement. The county will see a $ 170,720 increase in retirement benefits in 2019 and an annual retirement estimate of $ 216,453.

The county chairman’s office, the Department of Health and Environment, and Children’s Cove also saw budget increases due to wages and benefits.

The county budget for Fiscal Year 22 is based on an estimate of revenue and is dependent on the monthly monitoring of that revenue. For Barnstable County, the board recognized five sources of revenue: county tax assessment, county excise tax, Register of Deeds revenue, departmental revenue, and court rents. The county excise tax is expected to generate the most revenue in fiscal year 22, accounting for $ 10,500.00, or 52 percent of the country’s expected revenue.

With the exception of the 2021 anomaly, Barnstable County’s revenue has exceeded spending for four consecutive years (from 2017 to 2020). However, for six of the past eleven years, the county’s spending had exceeded income. From 2010 to 2016, just one year in 2013, income exceeded expenditure.

There was no public comment at the beginning of the meeting.