The US Fed announced that the excise tax refund rule is in effect.  Circ.

Ex-Alden Shoe Exec admits $ 30 million in theft and threatens a 4-year time period

Law360 (May 5, 2021, 4:01 p.m. EDT) – The former chief financial officer of Alden Shoe Co. pleaded guilty on Wednesday of stealing $ 30 million from the store and could do more under a contract with federal prosecutors than four years in prison.

Richard Hajjar appeared in a morning hearing before US District Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton in Boston and pleaded guilty to remitting fraud, unlawful money transfers, and tax fraud charges related to a multi-year system to write personal expense checks from the shoe company’s coffers .

Hajjar, of Duxbury, Massachusetts, sent more than $ 11.5 million to someone listed as an individual from 2013 to 2019 …

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