WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – Democratic lawmakers are currently working on a plan that could expand child tax credits to include recurring monthly payments for adults with children, according to the Washington Post.
The payments would be included in President Biden’s $ 1.9 trillion aid package.
According to the report, a draft of the plan would include the Internal Revenue Service depositing checks for $ 300 per month per child under 6 years old and $ 250 per month per child 6-17 years old.
The total payments would be $ 3,600 for children under 6 and $ 3,000 for children 6 and older. According to the paper, the payments would expire above a certain income.
Now that Biden is president, you can get a $ 1,400 stimulus check here
Legislators told the paper that the plan would ideally include an option for taxpayers to receive the full year tax credit on filing instead of a monthly payment.
Under current tax law, the child tax credit is non-refundable. According to the report, monthly payments would allow payments to be “refundable” and apply to more Americans.
The proposal only expands usefulness for 2021, but Democratic lawmakers hope to permanently change the program, according to the paper.
Similar to economic stimulus payments, the IRS would send checks directly to families. The plan doesn’t require taxpayers to file their taxes before they can receive payments.
President Biden’s economic stimulus plan
In his speech on Thursday, Biden emphasized the plan that the government should borrow now due to low interest rates in hopes of faster growth and more stable financial prospects for the future.
“If we invest courageously, wisely, and with an unwavering focus on American workers and families now, we will strengthen our economy, reduce inequality, and put our country’s long-term finances on the most sustainable path,” said Biden.
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The question is, what elements of the Biden Plan can win enough Republican votes to clear the evenly split Senate, which needs at least 60 votes. Without the Republicans ‘buy-in, Biden’s proposal could be accepted by a simple majority in a budget vote – but that is a time-consuming process that would limit Democrats’ options.
“This is an opening bid. Republican employees feel that $ 1.9 trillion is a little rich, ”said Bill Hoagland, a former Republican adviser who is senior vice president of the Bipartisan Policy Center.
Direct Payments: $ 1,400 Stimulus Checks
The Biden Plan aligns with the view that the federal government can reduce economic inequality and fuel growth by increasing spending on social services and sending cash directly to households.
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It would enable direct payments of $ 1,400 per person to eligible households, temporarily expand child and childcare tax credits, assist childcare providers, and improve unemployment benefits and food aid. There would be $ 400 billion to vaccinate the nation, including $ 130 billion that could help schools reopen safely with smaller classes or better ventilation systems.
There is also the possibility that the Biden plan could lead to permanent changes in the social safety net. If the child tax credit is temporarily fully refunded, families who do not earn enough money to owe federal income taxes will still be eligible for the maximum benefit, which the plan would increase to $ 3,000 per year per child, more for children under 6 .
The Associated Press contributed to this story.