Trade group calls for 5th Circ.  How to Grant Exxon $ 300 Million in Fuel Credit

The elimination of TCJA will assist the working class, says Senator Van Hollen

Law360 (Aug 18, 2021, 7:16 p.m. EDT) – Democrats intend to reverse key portions of the 2017 Tax Reform Act to shift more benefits to working class families and limit the tax avoidance precautions used by the rich. said a senior senator on Wednesday.

Senator Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., Said one of his party’s goals is “a more inclusive economy”. (AP Photo / Julio Cortez) Senator Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., A member of the Senate Budget and Grants Committees, told Democrats in Congress that they will use the budget reconciliation process to generate income from individuals and businesses that are making unfair tax breaks the GOP Tax Reduction and Employment Act.

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