March 16, 2021
Residents paying their 2020 property tax bill in installments have two important due dates, approaching March 31 and May 31, 2021.
Keep your payments interest free
As long as you paid your January 31st installment on time, property tax rates are interest-free. Under Wisconsin law, Wauwatosa strictly adheres to the due dates stated on the tax bill. The entire tax charge is considered late if a payment is delayed or missed and is subject to an interest and penalty fee of 1.5% per month retroactively from February 1st.
To avoid interest or penalties, your next installment must be USPS postmarked, paid on the city’s website, or received by the Treasury on or before March 31, 2021.
make payment
The city offers several convenient ways to pay your property tax bill. To protect yourself and your community, we recommend contactless payment options this year. You can complete your payment through the website, by post or through the secure payment deposit outside the town hall.
Check your bill
You can view your property tax invoice online. The online portal allows you to review your invoice, view your remaining balance and access payment history and receipts for previous payments. The easiest way to find your property is by number and street name. For example, for the property at 7725 West North Avenue, enter 7725 for the house number and North for the street name. You do not need any further information (no package, direction or street type).